At Real Life Ministries we take stewardship seriously. Not only do we call on our members and attendees to be good stewards but we also believe the church is to be a good steward. That is why we have a clear budgeting process that we follow every year and that process is approved by our elders.

Online Giving

Online giving is a safe and easy way to support the ministries of Real Life Ministries. This system enables you to support the church by making a one-time contribution or establishing a recurring contribution.


1. Click here to be taken to a new, secure page to start your transaction

2. You'll be asked to provide contact and bank or debit card information

3. Indicate the amount, frequency & designation for your gift.


There are several benefits to online giving for both you and the church, and keeping your information and contribution secure is a top priority to RLM.

First Fruits  In Proverbs 3:9 we are taught to honor the Lord with the "First Fruits" of our labor. By setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your account on the day you specify, you can ensure that your First Fruits are given back to God.

Simplicity  You will not need to remember if you gave this month or send in your offering checks when you are out of town. Security - Online giving is more secure than giving with a check in that an electronic gift can't be lost or stolen.

No Distractions  Instead of needing to worry about writing your contribution check during the service, you can be fully engaged with the worship service, knowing that you have already given your offering.

Helping RLM  Online contributions require less processing from our administrative staff since the information is logged and deposited automatically.


Is there Biblical justification for on-line giving?
YES!  Giving on-line to God’s church, especially recurring withdrawals, is an example of giving Him your “first fruits” as described in Proverbs 3:9.

What are the benefits to online giving?
a. The Bible teaches that your tithes and offerings should be a first, and not a last, matter in your life.  By setting up online giving, you can be sure to set that portion aside before other expenses rob you of the joy of giving to God.

b. Have you ever forgotten your tithe or offering, or fallen behind because of travel or other schedule interruptions? Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness in giving.

Can I set up a contribution every week or every month? 
Yes!  Please follow the instructions on the web site.

Is RLM’s on-line giving safe and secure?
Yes!  We want to provide every opportunity for you to give as an act of worship whether it is through the Sunday service or in the privacy of your own home.  RLM uses Pushpay for online giving.  Pushpay goes the extra mile so that you can feel confident in using our online tools.  Pushpay is certified by Visa and Mastercard as a Level 1 Service Provider that is in compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS).  In fact, it is one of the few online payment and registration companies who meet these rigorous standards.

What about using my credit card?
Although many people conduct on-line transactions using credit cards, we prefer that you give using a debit card.  It’s not God’s desire, nor is it RLM’s desire, to encourage His people to increase personal debt in order to contribute to a church.

Will I be charged any fees?  
No. However, RLM is charged a fee for every on-line transaction.  We ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your contribution to cover this fee. The fee is approximately 3% per transaction.

Is my on-line contribution tax deductible?
Yes.  For tax purposes, there is no difference between an on-line contribution and placing a check in the offering on Sunday morning.  You will receive a record of all your contributions at the end of the year.