Value #1:Jesus
Jesus is the foundation for all that we do and apart from Him we can do nothing. (1 Corinthians 3:9-14 & John 15:1-5)
We are people who trust and follow Jesus
Jesus is our model example for everything. We believe not only that Jesus is divine, His message is divine, & we believe His methods are divine. We will be disciples of Jesus.
We are people of prayer
We value taking all our desires, feelings, thoughts, struggles and joys to God.
We are people of the Text
We will wrestle through ideas, thoughts, feelings and the truth of Scripture with God.
We are present in every moment with the Holy Spirit
We know the Holy Spirit is ready to help us and desires for us to capture every moment of Him speaking to us and through us.
We trust the story the Father is telling
We stay faithful with little. Jesus gives us more. We trust the story Jesus is telling.
Relationship is what God created us for, designed us for, and is the vehicle for all that we do. (Genesis 2:18, Matthew 22:36-40, 1 Thessalonians 2:20, Genesis 2:18, Acts 2:42-47, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
We are people of relationship
We will chase for relationship and make sure we live in peace with everyone.
We are devoted to each other, we journey together
We desire to live in unity as Jesus instructed and to love each other and carry each other’s burdens until Jesus returns.
We walk in humility
We believe humility is how Jesus called his disciples to walk and continue the process of learning never believing we have arrived.
We build trust
The foundation of real relationship is trust. We will be a church that builds trust with as many as possible through our relationships and leadership. We will build trust by listening.
We forgive each other
We desire to be a church that works through conflict and forgives each other when we hurt each other, not if we hurt each other.
We capture the moment
Intentionality in relationship is a switch we keep on all the time.
Value #3:GRowth
We are called to learn and grow in real relationship. We call this relational discipleship. Learning and growing means walking faithfully and laying our lives down and in the process he matures us into the likeness of Jesus. (2 Thessalonians 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-13)
We die to ourselves
We will live a life of selfless serving and living a life like Jesus: this changes the world.
We crave honest feedback
We desire to grow and mature in the likeness of Jesus. Living in a world of self deception hinders this desire and longing.
We do whatever it takes
We will live with supernatural passion that drives our hearts and only comes from the Holy Spirit
We are learners
Self-starters and self-motivated to learn and grow and to listen deeply. We will live with a posture of humility.
We take our next steps
We never arrive. We’re always leaning in. We pursue, connect, give and multiply individually.
We mature
We are all in a process of maturing and learning what God may have for us. If an individual does not have a clear desire and need for change, very little can be done to help them mature and grow.
Value #4:mobilization
We are called to mobilize and we do so by equipping the saints and taking action to reach the lost, to meet needs in the church and in our community. (Acts 2:42- 47, Ephesians 4:11-16)
We find people’s potential
Jesus’ church is all about people development. Jesus has given us the people to take the next step. We will leverage the gifts Jesus has given us.
We don’t go alone
We are team players and team builders. Go fast: go alone. Go far: go together.
We bless our community and the world
We put God on display through generosity and show our community and the world the Good News.
Value #5:multiplication
The Jesus movement is a movement of multiplication. Jesus’ desire is that each of us would take up the mantle of discipleship and raising someone else up to make disciples who makes disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2)
We make disciples
The Jesus movement is a movement of multiplication. Jesus’ desire is that each of us would take up the mantle of discipleship and raising someone else up to make disciples.
We invite people into God’s story & agenda
We will invite people into a relationship and partnership with God to help redeem the world.
We own the mission
We are owners of Jesus’ mission. He desires for us to partner with Him.